Вenefits of direct online
hotel booking:
Best price guarantee
When booking by phone or online, discounts are applied
Free accommodation and meal for children up to 7 years old
Guarded parking
Priority early check-in, if applicable

Saint Petersburg Convention Bureau

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Saint Petersburg Convention Bureau was established in July 2014 in the structure of the Committee for Tourism Development of Saint Petersburg.

Meetings industry has been one of the most fast-growing business sectors in the world. There are not only companies directly involved in organizing various events in the meetings industry. Companies from other economic sectors as well as representatives of professional and public communities, policy-makers and enthusiasts are also involved to achieve best quality of the events.

Our mission - unify representatives of the meetings and hospitality industries and professionals of Saint Petersburg.

Our vision - Saint Petersburg is to get into European Top-10 and World Top-20 business meetings destinations by 2020.

Our goal - promote Saint Petersburg as one of the leading platform for business communication through bringing professional events to the city.

Our values - openness, transparency, equity.

Saint Petersburg Convention Bureau is a member of the professional associations:

  1. International Congress and Convention Association – ICCA
  2. European Cities Marketing – ECM
  3. Union of International Associations – UIA
  4. Destination International – DI
  5. Global Destination Sustainability Index – GDS-Index